Friday 28 June 2013


A quiet night at Namur and awoke to the site of the Meuse River and the Citadel on the far bank. Left early for the Citadel for those panoramic views of the town and the surrounds.

The impressive Citadel at Namur

 Another view of the the impressive Citadel at Namur
The Citadel is the legacy of the Dutch who consolidated the site in the 17th century. There has been a presence on this wonderful vantage since pre-historic times and also the Romans saw fit to occupy the area as well. Just stunning views.

The Meuse River from the Citadel at Namur
A little further down the town of Dinant was mentioned as a place to visit - Abbey de Leffe, another hill top citadel, and the Abbey brewery on top of the list. Interesting but not a very polished place - road works on every where, footpaths unpaved, and the citadel  very out of touch with what a good site should be. 

Another fortification at Dinant

Abbey brewery
Moved on and had lunch before arriving in Bastogne for the afternoon and the evening. Bastogne is best thought of as the centre for the fierce battles in December 1944 towards the end of WWII.

Bastogne town centre
Visited the museum for the 101st Airborne Division before taking in the rest of the town. And some unhappy citizens in the centre of the town!

Not all are happy at Bastogne!
Further relaxing before dinner and bed.

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