Wednesday 12 June 2013


Great sleep after a very quiet overnight. Lavish breakfast before  strolling across to the an auction house next door. To our surprise their main items were plants in pots. These ranged across all garden plants from the very small to the large shrubs and trees in pots. Talking with a chap and he said they have these auctions three times a week. People bought these in quantities of 15 for about 30 to 80 pence a pot. The English love their gardens! Obviously we didn't buy any!

After this we wandered across the Nene river to the Wisbech museum. What a potpourri of eclectic items they had on display - very much a miniature of a major museum - Roman, Egyptian, Saxon, Chinese, medieval and all things leading to the present day. A little gem - even a school group being taught about the goal system etc of the early 19th century! Nearly chimed in and asked them to respect some of our ancestors! 
Georgian Terrace in Wisbech

The local laundrette was our next priority - all done and dusted and felt good about Wisbech as a destination. 

Set our sights (GPS) for Belton. Lunch and then a visit to the displays and the house. Took a "downstairs tour" before checking out the rest of the house and extensive landscapes garden. The house had many links to the Wallis Simpson and Edward. Nothing like a bit of a scandal to intrigue the punters. The family became outcasts of society for forty years because of this connection. They were back in favour when Prince Charles was learning to fly nearby and he stayed at the house while this was happening.

We got caught in the rain while walking the gardens - back to the van in a hurry before driving down the road for our over night near the Belton folly.

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