Wednesday 10 July 2013


A little detour from the Danube trek today - the city of Augsburg was or destination. We left Gunzburg late morning and again travel through very lush and picturesque country. 

The day was turning out to be hot - 28 degrees in the shade!  Arrived in Augsburg around lunch time and selected a stellplatz by the river Wertach where many of the locals were cooling their heels - literally!

A salad lunch before walking to the city centre - collected some more information from the tourist office before setting out on a walking tour of the city. 

First impressions - another large building site! Right in  the centre at the Rathaus Platz an underground railway system was being installed and this continued in many other  parts of the city - but I suppose it has to be done at some stage !! So the setting of the Rathaus didn't allow it to live up to it's reputation. 

We decided to push on to the older part of the city where small canals and alleyways complemented the bohemian shops for all interest. 

We later found our way to the Fuggerei,  first social housing estate in the world. The very wealthy Fugger family founded this settlement for needy Catholic families in 1521. The concept still is in place today with 140 apartments being occupied. Like 50% of the rest of Augsburg, the Fuggerei suffered greatly for the bombing in 1944. With the Messerschmitt  factory being in Augsburg it was a natural target for the Allied bombers. Much of the city was destroyed as well - so consequently much of the city is a rebuild - what stupidity war is!

We followed the trail to the Dom which was interesting but nearly Dommed out at this stage!

Still 28 degrees so we called it a day and returned to the stellplatz near the river for the evening and dinner.

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