Monday 1 July 2013


Sun has welcomed the day - the weather gods are beginning to do their work! Breakfasted and then a leisurely walk around the town if Eltville. 

The oldest town in the region,
Eltville is gathered around a cozy nest of lanes, but it is best known
for its many rose beds, whose perfume thickens the summer air. Many rose bushes line the Rhine promenade and grow in the moat of the adjacent 14th-century castle, the
Burg, which was laid to waste by fierce Swedes during the Thirty Years’ War (1618–48). Stirred up by the Counter-Reformation, this war between the Protestant Union and Catholic League raged across Europe. Only the four-story residential tower of the Burg survived. The promonade along the Rhine is quite special with the sun shimmering across the water. 

The next part of the day was quite a contrast to yesterday - picking up the motorway near Mainz we headed south towards Bruchsal. The proliferation of motorways and the amount of traffic is incredible. The size of the population nescessitates  the amount of goods being transported all around the country. It is always a pleasure to get back to traffic lights and small towns!  

Later we moved further on for an overnight  at Ettlingen. The temperature late I the afternoon was an amazing 23 degrees - things are looking up!

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