Thursday 11 July 2013

The Danube - Ingolstadt

OWas a little concerned this morning when we were doing some research on Ingolstadt - the important early kings who developed the city were Ludwig the Severe, Ludwig the Bearded and Ludwig the Rich - this can test an acing mind!

A cooler morning in Augsburg - had a walk along the river before departing for Ingolstadt. Arrived at the stellplatz for lunch before dealing with some important business - booking our hotel accommodation in Berlin. All completed without too much fuss, had lunch before venturing across the park to the town.

This was also a return to the Danube - a much larger waterway than we had left at Ulm. 

What a gem of a town - the vibes of these smaller size towns are in contrast to the larger centres like Augsburg. We entered the town through the medieval wall at the Taschentrum tower - one of the minor gates through the town wall. 

Visited some interesting sites, the most notable being the baroque Asam Church of Maria Victoria - with the very beautiful ceiling freso of Maria spreading Christianity to the four quarters of the world. The twin tower Minster is a late gothic church built around 1420. Both churches had on display the precious church relics and 'hardware' made of pure gold. 

Given the town was 20% distroyed from bombing during the war much of it's richness has survived. The walk along the Danube took in the Klenze Park and then across the way was the New Castle - built by Ludwig the Bearded in the early 15th Century. 

Wandered the through the extensive and attractive shopping precincts.  Enjoyed a beer and wine in the Viktualienmarmt - a monastery  before falling victim to bombing in April 1945 - the las few days of the war.

Returned to the stellplatz though the Cross Gates - Ingolstadt's best known landmark. 

Back  for dinner and the evening. Ingolstadt - well worth the visit. Not to forget that this also the home of Audi!
And, it is Ingolstadt that the famous horror novel Frankenstein depicts  a university student named Victor Frankenstein who becomes obsessed with creating a monster!

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