Saturday 6 July 2013

Dennach 3

Thursday 4th July

Cheese Cake Day! The girls have been talking about German  Cheese Cakes so Mathilde was going to make one so now I can looks forward to some at home!

Hansjorg and I did some running repairs on the van - it is great to have access to some tools that easily do the jobs. Fastened the loose mudguard on the from right hand side and firmed up the winged mirror on the passengers side. The electrical  connection for a trailer was also repaired. All very exciting!!!

Spent the rest of the day relaxing, reading, eating and talking. Beautiful here at the edge o the forest.

Friday 5th July

Today we ventured to Sommerberg and Gruenhutte for a 10 km walk through the forest. The reward at the halfway mark  was a pleasant lunch before returning.

It was interesting to see the logging taking place in this very special German forest. It seems to be very comparable with the  eco aspect of the forest. Perhaps lessons here for others!!

All slept well overnight! 

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