Monday 12 August 2013

Bad Arolsen - Buren

How different the various regions are of a county! Today we started to travel through the area of the National Park Diemeisee. A mixture of rolling hills, farms - saw our first cows today for a long time, old mining towns and parks.the housing and the towns look distinctly different than from where we have come.
Bad Arolsen -Yes another of those 'I was 'ere' shots!
Very quiet nigh - before moving on to Wolfhagen and Bad Arolsen. Bad Arolsen  was quite distinctive. A beautiful baroque schloss was the main reason for the town existing - but a lot of the  town was also built on a baroque style - you could have been in France!
Bad Arolsen - Baroque town!
 The magnificent schloss was built in the 18th century on the site of a former monastery and nunnery! It became the home of the power princes of Waldeck-Prymont. Somehow these guys are connected to the British royals!

 Baroque schloss at Bad Arolsen
The town developed because of the Schloss and now it is a sparr town! The town is very well laid out with a 2 km avenue of elm trees as a landscaping highlight. 
Two Km park
We fuddled around in other towns before moving onto Buren for the night.

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