Saturday 3 August 2013


Looks to be a little cooler today - not so much ducking for cover as soon as the sun appears!
Off to Wolfenbuttel this morning - have heard that it was a very attractive town to visit and to spend some time. Claims made of Wolfenbuttel; it is the home of the herbal liquor Jaegermeister, the worlds most expensive book, the first planned renaissance town in Europe.... and some more I have already forgotten!
That baroque facade with stone portal and sculptures.
We arrived early, located the Stellplatz and then took a walk though the lovely park to be dazzled and surprised as we turned into the schlossplatz by the  Ducal Palace. 
The Ducal Palace at Wolfenbuttel 
Also on the Platz was a market with all things for children. A good old fashion boot sale without the boots!
The market in the Schlossplatz
After visiting the Armoury across the Platz we ventured into the very quaint and picturesque stadtmarkt with hundreds of timber framed building of the 15th and 16th centuries. 
Cute door handle at the Armoury
Being a Saturday weddings were lining up outside the local registry office. Also on our visit to the main church the religious wedding ceremony was being conducted.
One of the weddings!
Wandered further through the town before returning to the van for a relaxing afternoon.
Wolfenbuttel's oldest inn

Part of the shopping precinct
Afternoon of relaxing, with a late afternoon shower of rain. Met Amanda and Keith - English - who are on their way to Poland for a motorhome rally. Enjoyed a wine and a chat into the evening. 
Amanda and Keith

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