Thursday 29 August 2013


How long can this wonderful weather last! Another beautiful morning with sun reflecting off the Thames as canal boats smoothly cruise by ... but we must leave!
Thames at Bampton

Breakfasted and then move on to Farringdon - a village steeped in history with every era of British history being reflected in the town from Alfred the Great having a place here, the Baron's War in 1135, Charles I's defence line here etc. now a quaint market town.
Corn market - Farringdon

Later visited Bampton, the village used in the Downton Abbey drama. A busy little village of the mellow stone build houses. You can see why a TV company would choose it as a setting for a series - but down the road a little there was another village that equally could have been a location!
Bampton Church

On to Ashton to the pottery works - nothing special but seems to be very popular.

Onto  Abingdon, another Thames town worth a visit! Perhaps you can become a little braise about how gorgeous some of these villages and towns are - but being on the Thames there is a little more incentive to be cute and cuddly! 

Because we are lining up to go into London tomorrow afternoon what better place to stay overnight than at Cookham - so that's where we ended up!  Beautiful village with a  lovely walking track along the Thames.

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